Selection Tables

1″ Bolt or dowel
Double Shear, Spruce-Pine glulam to 6 mm steel plates
Wood Member Fastener
No. of fasteners in a row
2 3
Bolt spacing in a row taken as the minimum of the loaded end distance3, aL, and the spacing between bolts in a row, SR (mm)
102 152 203 254 305 102 152 203 254 305
80 114 1 0 23.9(R) 35.8(R) 47.8(R) 53.4(c) 53.4(c) 35.8(R) 53.8(R) 71.7(R) 80.0(c) 80.0(c)
80 228 2 76.2 47.8(R) 71.7(R) 94.3(G) 106(G) 107(c) 71.7(R) 100(G) 118(G) 136(G) 154(G)
80 266 2 125 47.8(R) 71.7(R) 95.6(R) 107(c) 107(c) 71.7(R) 108(R) 143(R) 160(c) 160(c)
80 266 2 125 47.8(R) 71.7(R) 95.6(R) 107(c) 107(c) 71.7(R) 108(R) 143(R) 160(c) 160(c)
130 152 1 0 38.8(R) 58.2(R) 77.7(R) 86.7(c) 86.7(c) 58.2(R) 87.4(R) 116(R) 130(c) 130(c)
130 228 2 76.2 77.7(R) 116(R) 153(G) 173(G) 173(c) 116(R) 163(G) 192(G) 221(G) 250(G)
130 266 2 125 77.7(R) 116(R) 155(R) 173(c) 173(c) 116(R) 175(R) 233(R) 260(c) 260(c)
130 266 2 125 77.7(R) 116(R) 155(R) 173(c) 173(c) 116(R) 175(R) 233(R) 260(c) 260(c)
175 190 1 0 52.3(R) 78.4(R) 105(R) 117(c) 117(c) 78.4(R) 118(R) 157(R) 175(c) 175(c)
175 228 2 76.2 105(R) 157(R) 206(G) 232(G) 233(c) 157(R) 219(G) 258(G) 298(G) 337(G)
175 266 2 125 105(R) 157(R) 209(R) 233(c) 233(c) 157(R) 235(R) 314(R) 350(c) 350(c)
175 266 2 125 105(R) 157(R) 209(R) 233(c) 233(c) 157(R) 235(R) 314(R) 350(c) 350(c)
215 266 1 0 64.2(R) 96.3(R) 119(g) 119(g) 119(g) 96.3(R) 144(R) 179(g) 179(g) 179(g)
215 266 2 76.2 128(R) 193(R) 239(g) 239(g) 239(g) 193(R) 269(G) 318(G) 358(g) 358(g)
215 266 2 125 128(R) 193(R) 239(g) 239(g) 239(g) 193(R) 289(R) 358(g) 358(g) 358(g)
215 266 2 125 128(R) 193(R) 239(g) 239(g) 239(g) 193(R) 289(R) 358(g) 358(g) 358(g)
265 342 1 0 79.2(R) 119(R) 119(g) 119(g) 119(g) 119(R) 178(R) 179(g) 179(g) 179(g)
265 342 2 76.2 158(R) 237(R) 239(g) 239(g) 239(g) 237(R) 332(G) 358(g) 358(g) 358(g)
265 342 2 125 158(R) 237(R) 239(g) 239(g) 239(g) 237(R) 356(R) 358(g) 358(g) 358(g)
265 342 2 125 158(R) 237(R) 239(g) 239(g) 239(g) 237(R) 356(R) 358(g) 358(g) 358(g)
315 380 1 0 94.1(R) 119(g) 119(g) 119(g) 119(g) 141(R) 179(g) 179(g) 179(g) 179(g)
315 380 2 76.2 188(R) 239(g) 239(g) 239(g) 239(g) 282(R) 358(g) 358(g) 358(g) 358(g)
315 380 2 125 188(R) 239(g) 239(g) 239(g) 239(g) 282(R) 358(g) 358(g) 358(g) 358(g)
315 380 2 125 188(R) 239(g) 239(g) 239(g) 239(g) 282(R) 358(g) 358(g) 358(g) 358(g)


  1. The tabulated values are the minimum of the yielding resistance, row shear, group tear-out and net tension resistances of the wood member, and are applicable to tension members. For compression members, the values are conservative when the governing failure mode is indicated as group tear-out or net tension since the resistance is based on yielding and row shear only.
  2. The governing failure mode for each connection configuration is denoted either by lowercase letter (a)-(g), indicating the specific yielding failure mode as per O86 Clause, or by uppercase letter (R), (G) or (T), indicating failure due to row shear, group tear-out or net tension in the main member.
  3. The minimum loaded end distance, aL, is the maximum of 50 mm and 5 times the fastener diameter (O86 Clause
  4. For the calculation of group tear-out and net tension resistances, the fastener hole diameter is assumed to be 2 mm larger than the fastener diameter.
  5. The connection resistance P'r is required to be adjusted to end-use conditions using modification factors depending on the governing failure mode as follows:
    • Pr = P'r for yielding failure mode (a),
    • Pr = P'r (KD KSF KT) for yielding failure mode (c),
    • Pr = P'r (KDy KSF KT) for yielding failure mode (d) or (g),
    • Pr = P'r (KD KSv KT) for row shear,
    • Pr = P'r (KD KSt KT) for group tear-out or net tension.

    Modification factors are provided in Section 7.4 of the Wood Design Manual 2020. For untreated wood members under standard-term loading and dry service conditions, the modification factors are 1.0.

  6. For D.Fir-L glulam, the tabulated values are valid for 24f-E, 24f-EX, 20f-E, 20f-EX or 16c-E grade. For Spruce-Pine glulam, the tabulated values are valid for 20f-E, 20f-EX or 12c-E grade.
  7. Tabulated values are based on ASTM A307 grade steel bolts or dowels. The resistance of steel plate needs to be checked separately.
  8. A single steel splice plate is not permitted to be used for multiple rows of bolts or dowels when the distance between the two outer rows exceeds 125 mm.
  9. N/A = not applicable.